Monday, January 23, 2012

Newt Gingrich: 2012 GOP Presidential Departure From Republican Principles

As we watch the 2012 GOP presidential nomination race unfold I continue to find it absolutely amazing that voters are drawn in by such artificially blown up rhetoric as we're seeing in these debates. In 2008 Barack Obama won the Presidential race because he was able to talk about the biggest and most revolutionary ideas which had absolutely no foundation for being accomplished. Newt Gingrich does the exact same thing.  He throws out so much hot air, he might float away. Apparently it's a common trait in academics with Gingrich being a PhD and Obama being a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School.  The real question we as Americans should be asking is can they do what they say they are going to do. 

Barack Obama has proved time and again that he is not capable of doing almost anything he said he was going to do in his campaign.  But, his ideas ignited people with false hope that carried him into the White House.  Newt Gingrich has a political history that is so heavy laden with anti-conservative treachery it almost makes a mockery of the republican party that he is running as the most conservative figure and that people are actually buying it.  If he wins the nomination you can be sure that Obama will be blasting him on every side.  His failure as speaker of the house, his work with liberals like Nancy Pelosy, his lobbying for liberal platforms, his overt attack on capitalism and financial success, his personal life which more than radically departs from republican values, will be an absolute embarrassment to the party.  If you wanted to say in the 2012 GOP Presidential Race that someone was posturing to the crowd, or pandering to constituents, I can't think of a better example than what Gingrich did in South Carolina and is now doing in Florida. 

Besides his record as someone who consistently walked away from conservative principles during their political career, his divisiveness and mean spirited espousal of false information just to get back at Mitt Romney for tearing him down with truth in Iowa should have him up in front of the party under the scrutiny of an ethical interrogation. If that weren't enough, the management of his campaign with almost no money coming in, staff walking away from him, and calling in a personal favor to get a film on the air should be a red flag to voters that this man might talk a great game, but when the rubber meets the road he is totally incompetent as it pertains to management and leadership. Why anyone would vote for this man knowing what we know about him, is beyond me.

Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are the only people on the debate floor that are talking about things that can be done. Their rhetoric may not lift people out of their chairs, but since when did getting down to the nitty gritty of how to govern a nation and making the tough decisions ever inspire people to get up and yell amen. It's the doing and the history of doing that will make a person eligible for candidacy.  A year ago the whole country pleaded with one voice for someone to come into office that could actually get this country back on it's feet.  The retaking of the House and the exit polls from the South Carolina primary confirmed that is still an issue for conservatives.  If that is really the worry keeping people up at night then why would anyone vote for Newt Gingrich? He hasn't got the history, experience, or the know how to lead this nation back to sound financial footing.  He isn't even preaching a gospel of how to do it. He attacks the other candidates, ignores his downfalls, sounds the rhetoric of Jeffersonian revolution and at the end of the day is the most inconsistent of them all.

If the Republican party really wants to win the White House in 2012 it had better start thinking seriously about the issues, the electability of the candidates, and the person who can really defeat Barack Obama in a debate on character, family values, history of conservative principles, acting on those principles, and the saving grace of free market economics. Let's get it right in the 2012 GOP Presidential Nomination.